Our story
At WESP we believe in data-driven decision-making. To do so, WESP developed unique business intelligence tools to collect, clean, standardise and enrich retail market data for the independent aftermarket (IAM). Our software applications transform heterogeneous workshop data into harmonised market information conforming to industry standards to provide business insights, benchmarks and data-driven decision-making.
The year WESP began
Connected Workshops
Standardized Invoices
Our Data Strategy

Through our deep dive data technology, we can classify workshop invoice information into standardised parts groups. In the past, WESP only used this data to help improve the performance of individual workshops. However, aggregated data from workshops is also interesting to analyse and purchasing loyalty of your franchisees is becoming increasingly important.
The journey of our data
Our dedicated experts

Ad Vane

Anthony Marescaux

Arthur Poker

Bas Blokker

Bas Wintjes

Berend van Zoest

Bryan Poker

David Kopp

Dirk Althuizen

Frank Glaudemans

Gijs Verwiel

Hans de Graaf

Jaap Geertman

Janneke van Genugten

Jeroen Koopman

Joep van Engelen

John Bos

Jules Derks

Kaspar van Grinsven

Maarten Catsburg

Majid Modirzadeh

Marc Nederveen

Marcel Egels

Marcel Moonen

Mathé Straathof

Matyas Eleveld

Micael Lopes

Michael Riethorst

Olaf Lagerwerf

Onno Kuiper

Patrick Weijters

Reinier Peters

Rick Gerrits

Rolf van Veldhoven

Ruud Goettsch

Stijn de Vries

Tarik Kaya

Theo van Bergen

Tjeerd Wieberdink

Twan Dekkers

Vincent Janssen

Yvonne van der Pasch
Working at WESP
To further boost its continuous growth, WESP is now looking for: